Learn more from this list of websites, articles and speakers.
- 5G and the Internet of Things
- US City Ordinances to Limit and Control 5G
- Scientists warn of Health Effects
- Environmental Health Trust
- EHT 5G and the Internet of Things
- Zero 5G
- 5G Information
- Physicians for Safe Technology
- Scientists for Wired Technology
- Wisconsin For Safe Technology
- 5G Space Appeal
- Easton, CT bans 5G
- Theodora Scarato, the truth about cell phone radiation and 5G
- Dr. Sharon Goldberg testifies
- RI Senator Raises Awareness – Wireless Health Risks
- Biologic Effects and Health Hazards of Microwave Radiation (Sponsored by the W.H.O. )
- Global Protest Webinar – 04/25/2020
- Rhode Island Health & Environmental Safety Committee
- Rhode Islanders for Safe Technology
- Toxics Information Project
- We Do Not Consent
Here are ways to protect your family from everyday wireless microwave radiation.
- Watch the Documentary ‘Generation Zapped’ (it is free on Kanopy).
- Get wired. Choose Ethernet cables in your home over wireless. See below ‘The Safe Alternative to wireless’.
- Limit your cell phone use. Use speakerphone whenever possible and avoid holding your phone to your head.
- Shut off your router at night/when not in use.
- Put your cell phone on Airplane mode at night/when not in use. Do not sleep next to your cell phone.
- Do not place your cell phone on your body (ie in your back pocket, in your shirt etc.)
- Keep cell phones, tablets and wireless devises away from young children.
- Spread the word to family, friends, your community and State legislators.