“How easy it is to make people believe a lie, and how hard it is to undo that work again!” – Mark Twain
This year’s $6.5 million question, “Local Question 2, Finance Capital Improvement Projects” for South Kingstown, lumps several plans together.
Particularly dispiriting is the “Town-wide Radio System” for police, EMS, volunteer fire districts and public services operations. $2.2 Million is to create “better reliability and signal penetration into buildings.”
Passing such a measure for a goal of public health is ironic.
Indeed, the International Association of Fire Fighters has concluded that Cell Tower Radiation Health Effects preclude putting cell phone towers near fire stations, https://www.iaff.org/cell-tower-radiation/ , because they may impair firefighters.
Our public safety building at Curtis Corner, with a gigantic antenna on its roof, is unsafe.
The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) hasn’t updated safety standards for radiofrequency radiation (RFR) since 1996. According to Harvard University’s Edmond J. Safra Center for Ethics, the FCC is captured by the industry it is supposed to regulate.
Recently, The City of Boston criticized the FCC for refusing to update standards, resenting the FCC’s lack of leadership as Bostonians with RFR-related health problems object to close placement of 5G small cell towers outside every 2 to 10 homes: https://ehtrust.org/boston-massachusetts-blasts-the-fcc-on-cell-phone-5g-cell-tower-safety/
Most medical doctors don’t know how to recognize, diagnose, treat and prevent the illnesses caused by Electromagnetic Fields (EMFs), a grouping which includes RFR. Fortunately, Continuing Medical Education credits are available to medical professionals in an upcoming EMF Medical Conference because illness from EMFs is rapidly growing: https://mdsafetech.org/2020/09/12/emf-medical-conference-2021/
By voting to approve the local bond, you’ll increase RFR to your body, adding it to the load from myriad other devices and meters.
You’ll be told, by sources misinformed by the FCC, that wireless radiation is harmless, but independent science, free of vested interests, shows biological damage including insomnia, metabolic changes, cancer, DNA breaks, infertility, cognitive impairment, memory problems, and depression.
While the FCC’s outdated standards limit only heating from RFR, thousands of studies show other biological effects. Not every study shows harm; but these do not cancel out studies that do. There are over 30K studies on EMFs, 10K in just the last 5 years. Hundreds of these point to serious harm from RFR. https://www.emf-portal.org/en
To learn more about why we must reduce wireless radiation, and for practical solutions, use this site by Cece Doucette. She has helped Massachusetts put eight bills for safer tech into committee: https://sites.google.com/site/understandingemfs/
The FCC perpetuates the myth that wireless products are safe. Thus, our governments, hospitals, schools, and public safety personnel have incorporated them. If you ask why, they quote the FCC, or the Food and Drug Administration, which parrots the FCC.
At the expense of our health.
Stephen Dahl
Kingston, RI
Liberty Goodwin, Providence, RI, Toxics Information Project
Sheila Resseger, Cranston, RI, 5GFreeRI.com